How To Make baples
Bananas 200x
Apples 200x
Mixer 1x
Milk 2x
Cream 4x
Pot 1x
Hands 2x
Rocks 100 thousand
First you need to collect the materials you need then you collect the ingredients like the bananas, apples, mixer, cream, milk pot.
Second chuck the bananas,apples,cream, milk then after that push the mixer on full speed so it splats everywhere around the room.
Thirdly clean up the mess with your hand and don't worry about the dirt or other foods and bugs in in it. Put this mess in a pot then drizzle 100 thousand rock the size of a baby's fingernail
Fourthly chuck the pot in the oven at 30 degrees for 1 year take out the pot a shove down your throat like a rocket ship.
Filthy spew out the food and then your you baple is complete.
WALT write procedural text with precise language and correct structural features.
Writing a Procedural text
I need help to write Procedural text.
I can write procedural text with precise language and correct structural features if I am prompted or directed.
I use some features to write a Procedural text, but I am not sure when and or why to use them.
(trial and error – aware of strategies but not sure why or when to use them so makes mistakes)
I use many features to write Procedural text and I know when and why to use them.
(strategic or purposeful use of strategies – knows why and when ).
I use many features accurately to write Procedural text and I know when and why to use them.
I act as a role model for others to help them write Procedural text.
I seek feedback on how to improve how I write Procedural text.
Effective Strategies:
Explain what has to be done eg the goal
List everything that will be needed
Number all the steps in order.
Write short, clear instructions.
Word Focus: action verbs
Tense-simple present
Style: Instructional, second or third person.